
海外华人 - 文化、宗教与世界观

Chinese Oversears:
Culture, Religions and Worldview
海外华人 - 文化、宗教与世界观


The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Letter to participants
21 Feb 2011



陈衍德 (Chen Yande),厦门大学历史系

段颖 (Duan Ying), 中山大学人类学系

罗勇 (Luo Yong),泰国易三仓大学哲学与宗教学院

郑庭河 (Zhen Tinghe), 马来亚大学中文系

郑一省 (Zhen Yisheng) (印尼棉兰华人“拿督公”崇拜探析)
龙矜频(MDM LONG CHIN PENG)(新加坡华人 “拜龟屿”)
徐玉燕 (Chee, Nyuk Yan) (金钱与灵气探讨马来西亚华人新村庙宇—丰天宫的经营结构之转变)
曾玲 (Zeng Ling)(创造传统与华人的文化认同新加坡中元节研究)

王爱平 (Wang Aiping)(印度尼西亚孔教祭孔仪式探析)
萧翡斐(Olivia)、王妙媛 (Wang Miaoyuan) (印尼泗水文庙研究)
陈景熙 (Chen Jingxi) (德教“五教同宗”论与华人文化传承)
郭美芳 (Mei-fen Kuo)("澳洲化“与第一次世界大战前后澳洲华裔男性知识分子的社会认同)

阮俊强(NGUYEN Tuan Cuong)(儒教南传奉祀官孔德成先生1958年在越南的文化活动)
方玲(FANG Ling) (巴黎华人同乡会的神坛和庙宇)
母书鹏(Mu Shupeng)(海外华人与潮州侨乡宗教的发展1978年以来)

丁明俊 (Ding Mingjun),北方民族大学科研处

多洛肯 (Duo Luoken),西北民族大学少数民族文学典籍研究所

中国的归信穆斯林与马 来西亚华人穆斯林面临困境异同初探
马强 (Ma Qiang),陕西师范大学西北民族研究中心

李爱慧 (Li Aihui) 从美华协会青年领袖培训计划看美国华人教育观的改变
李勇  (Li Yong) (新加坡“福建人”兴办义塾研究)
陈伟玉 (Chen Weiyu)  卫理公会与新加坡女子教育

尤云弟(You Yundi) (华人基督徒与海外华侨教育的互动 —以近代岭南大学钟荣光为个案研究)
廖冰凌(LIAU PING LENG)(马来亚少年与战后初期马来亚的儿童观)
于锦恩(Yu Jin’en)(明国时期华教教材的民族认同导向和本土化过程:以国内的华语教材为分析材料)
李其荣 (Li Qirong)(服务一生 战斗一世——沈慕羽对马来西亚华社的贡献及影响)

曾筱霞  (Zeng Xiaoxi)(华人影者在好莱坞语境下的中华文化认同)
柴田清继 (Kiyotsugu  Shibata)(晚清旅日华人对日本文化的引导)
柯木林(Mr. KUA BAK LIM )(“与君话冷炎州月” : 古典诗文中的新加坡)

简安志(Josef An-Zhi, Jian) (“日月照越南”从明香社的发展看越南明乡人的今昔)
湯熙勇 (Shi-yeoung Tang) (泰国的台侨移民、认同及调适)
杨静林 (Yang Jinglin)(从冷战时期的中菲关系看菲律宾华人认同的变迁)
蔡曉玲(Chai Siaw Ling)(定位想像——駱以軍小說的憂患意識與書寫策略)
巫达 (Wu Da)(上海人在海外的文化涵化与调适)

苏文菁 (Su Wenjing)  (华侨、原乡、侨批与国际化金融网络)
刘伯孳  (Liu Bozi) (侨乡社会的建构元素:侨批、华侨家庭生活和公益事业—以黄开物450封侨批为个案)
黄清海 (Huang Qinghai)(闽帮侨批业网络化发展初探)

潘永强  (Pan Yongqiang)(抗争与愉悦1970年代马来亚大学华裔学生运动中的情感与认同)
李叔飞  (Li Shufei) (政权、社群与利益新加坡国族建构中的华文报章—以《南洋商报》(1965—1983)为研究重点)
丁丽兴 (Ding Lixing) (“他者”中的华族形象嬗变论后苏哈托时代印尼当地社会的华族观)
杨宏云 (Yang Hongyun)(海外华人宗教非政府 组织的结构与特征—印尼菩提心-曼陀罗基金会为例)

戴二彪(Dai Erbiao)(1978年以后中国至日本的国际人口迁移来源地结构的变化)
沈惠芬 (Shen Huifen)(跨国家庭留守妇女的婚姻状况(20世纪30-50年代)—以福建泉州为例)
吴龙云 (GOH LENG HOON)(峇峇華人家族勢力的興衰)

李明欢 (Li Minghuan) (The Chinese in Europe: Population, Economic Activities and Links with Qiaoxiang)【英文发表?】
王连茂 (Wang Lianmao)(海外华侨与乡村改造20世纪初期石圳村的变迁)
丁毓玲(海外华人与泉州地方政治 )
彭雪,The GraduateSchool ofSocial Systems Studies, University of Kitakyushu.
“Underlying Factors Affecting Overseas Chinese’s Decision to return”

张应龙  (Zhang Yinglong) (简论新时期广东侨乡的主要特征)
刘红(Liu Hong)(现代侨乡经济发展模式研究—广东中山市沙溪镇社会调查)
林联华(Lin Lianhua)(论马来西亚福建籍地缘性社团与祖籍地的联系)
何彬 (He Bin)(日本新华侨华人群体认知)

陈美萍 (Tan Bee Piang)(雪兰莪州锡米山新村一个华人社区认同的变迁)
陈湘琳博士 (Ding Seong Lin) (新山故事海外华人的文化建设与历史重述)
王丽兰(WONG Lee Lan)(早期马华私会党的世界观与社会功能—兼谈马来西亚华人史观的建立)


Individual Sessions

Religion and Society

Multiculturalism and Religion: Chinese Overseas in International Comparison
Yaghoob Foroutan, The University of Waikato, New Zealand

Negotiation of Professional Identity and (Re)production of Knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine Overseas: A View from the Chinese Diaspora in the United States
Emily S. Wu, University of San Francisco

The ethnic Chinese and the Filipinos: Religious and Cultural Synergism
    Teresita Ang See, Kaisa Heritage Center

Religion and Realism
Elizabeth Libby Wong, Author /playwright

Buddhism and Confucianism

Trans-Buddhists:  The Chinese Thai Diaspora
Jiemin Bao, Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

State and “Chinese Religions”: Confucianism, Tridharma and Buddhism in Post-Soeharto Indonesia
    Leo Suryadinata, Chinese Heritage Centre, NTU, Singapore

The Rise of Confucianism as Religion in Indonesian:Response of the Chinese Indonesians  and the Indonesian Society Towards the”New Religion”
    Dwi Susanto, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

God Across Borders: Caodai Religious Reconstitution and Reconnection in Cambodia and Vietnam
    Ninh Thien-Huong, University of Southern California


Being in this World but not of it: The Communication of Chinese Indonesian Evangelical Identity
Sunny Lie, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

From ‘Chinaman’ to Modern Western Gentleman: Sports and Dressing for the Chinese Canadian Christian religious encounter from 1911 to 1949
Alison Marshall, Brandon University

The Hakka Christians in Sabah and the Memory of their Taiping Rebellion Past
Danny Wong Tze Ken, University of Malaya

“By Race, I am Chinese; and by Grace, I am Christian”: Negotiating Chineseness and Christianity in Indonesia
Hoon Chang Yau, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University

Chinese Religion in Southeast asia

Religious Landscape of Myanmar Chinese Society
    Daw Win, formerly with Universities Historical Research Centre, Myanmar

The spirit-mediums of Singkawang: Performing ‘peoplehood’
Margaret Chan, Theatre and Performance Studies, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University

Worship of Datuk Gong and Chinese Religion in Malaysia: Reflections of Syncretism, Pragmatism and Inclusiveness.
Lee Yok Fee, Department of Government and Civilization Studies, Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Ethnic Relations

We Are Not Docile Outsiders: Capitalist Coercion and Chinese Resistance and Exclusion in the Structuring of Race on the Witwatersrand Gold Mines, 1903-1910
Huynh Tu, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Ethnic Relations of Elite Class in Indonesia and Malaysia
Kim-Yung Keng, Dept. of Sociology, University of Hawaii

Censoring the Chinese Press in the Netherlands Indies
Yamamoto Nobuto, Keio University

From Overseas Chinese to Overseas Compatriots: Taiwan's Changing Policy toward Citizens Abroad
Pei-te Lien, and Mr. Dean Chen, University of California, Santa Barbara

Associations and Identities

Chinese Speech Groups and Associations: A comparison of Fuzhou Associations in Singapore and New York City
Ann S. Chiu, Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Sub-ethnic Groups and Identity–A Survey of Late 19th to early 20th century Chinese Organisations in the Larut and Kinta Valley, Perak, Malaysia
    Tan Ai Boay, Department of History, University of Malaya

Maintenance and Propagation of Chinese Culture in a Malay State: The Roles of the Chinese Associations in Terengganu
Thock Ker Pong, Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya

Examining Diasporic Identity in the Digital Realm
Manying Ip, School of Asian Studies, University of Auckland
Charity and Chinese Communities

Cross-Straits Religious and Educational and Charity politics during the Japanese period (1895-1945)
Leo Douw, University of Amsterdam

The Chinese Diaspora’s New Venture: Buddhist Philanthropy
Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce, Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong

Social Status Compensation: Migrant Donation and Qiaoxiang Folk Deligion in South China
Li Xiangyi, Sun Yat-sen University

Family and Gender
Family Transformation: “China Modern” in 19th Century Hong Kong
Louella Cheng, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Chinese Australian women in the White Australia Policy era: family, cultural maintenance and identity
Alanna Kamp, School of Social Sciences, University of Western Sydney

Negotiating Transnational Migration: Marriage and Changing Gender Roles among the Chinese Diaspora
Huping Ling, Truman State University, USA

Education and Literature

The Chinese Social Novels of Colonial Indonesia
Elizabeth Chandra, Keio University

Chinese Immigrants as Chinese Language Teachers in Russia
Vladimir Portyakov, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Confucianism and altruism in Western contexts: A Case Study of Chinese American Donating to U.S. higher education
    Kozue Tsunoda, University of Maryland, College Park

The Vanguard’s Vanguard: Regino Pedroso’s Chinese Poems
William Luis, Vanderbilt University

The Chinese Never Died’. Stereotypes and the Chinese Diaspora in Spain
Joaquin Beltran-Antolin, Department of Translation and Interpreting, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona

Mother and Entrepreneur: Labor and family transnational conciliation in the Chinese diaspora in Spain
Amelia Saiz-Lopez, Department of Translation and Interpreting, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona

Transnational Ritual Pactices among Chinese Migrants in Spain
    Irene Masdeu Torruella, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Southeast Asia
The Chinese Vietse in Vietnam in the late 1970s to late 1980s
    Chan Yuk Wah, City University of Hong Kong

His Brain is No Longer Red: Conflicting ideologies within Overseas Chinese Communities in Myanmar
    Tharaphi Than, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam
Balimbing Ethnography: Reflecting Ethics of Collaboration and Politics for Peace in a Philippine Frontier Field
Wong Pak Nung, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Change of the Role, Position and National Identity of Overseas Chinese Overseas in the Process of Nation Building:  The Case Studies of Malaysia and Singapore
Chen Changhong, National Taipei University

North America

East Meets East: Chinese in the Early U.S. Republic
Caroline Frank, Department of History, Brown University

Citizens out-of-place? Return/cyclical Mainland Chinese migration and its implications for settlement and integration in Canada
Elaine Ho, School of Geography, University of Leeds

2009 as the Defining Year of Chinese American Political Participation:
Limits of Minority Participation in American Democracy
L. Ling-chi Wang, University of California, Berkeley

South America

Transnational Relations China- Mexico in the Global Arena
Sandra Alarcón González, Universidad Iberoamericana, México

Integration and Religion: The Catholicism and evangelism at the Chinese and Tusans in Peru, two choices to remain Chinese
Isabelle Lausent-Herrera, CNRS French National Scientific Research Center, CREDA Laboratory, University of Paris III

The World View of Chinese in Cuba's Revolutions
Mary-Alice Waters, President, Pathfinder Press

Rethinking the history of Asians in the Americas:  Fujianese Chinese in Mexican Manila
Evelyn Hu-DeHart, Brown University


Panel Sessions

Chinese Religious Practices in Asian Countries: Perspectives from the Japanese Academic Tradition of the Chinese Overseas Studies
Panel Chair: Satohiro SERIZAWA

Japanese Buddhism and Chinese Sub-ethnic Culture: The Case of a Buddhist Organization of the Chaozhou Chinese Overseas
Satohiro SERIZAWA, Department of Sociology, Nara University

The advocacy of the Confucianism by the reformist forces of the late Qing in Japan: ‘The East Asia’ of Kobe as an example
JIANG Haibo,  Mukogawa Women's University

Overseas Chinese Protestant Churches and the Expansion of Evangelicalism: The Case of the Change of Overseas Chinese Protestant Churches in Japan as a Mission Field
Kainei A. T. MORI, Integrated Doctor's Course, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

The Indigenization of the Theravada Buddhist community in Malaysia and Chinese practitioners
Yun HUANG, Institute for Cultural Interaction Studies, Kansai University

Islam, Localities, Identities
Panel Chair: Rosey Wang Ma

Identity challenges of the Chinese Muslims in Malaysia in the face of changes in the domestic and international developments
Rosey Ma, University of Malaya

Being Dungan in Central Asia in the 21st century
Alles Elisabeth, CNRS Modern and Contemporary China Study Center (CNRS-EHESS)
Chinese Muslims in Myanmar
Jalaluddin Din Mohammed, International Islamic University of Malaysia

‘Hui-min’ but not ‘Hui-Ch’u’, Religio-cultural identity of the Taiwanese Han-speaking Muslims
N. Chang-Kuan Lin, Centre for the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEI), National Chengchi University

Sermons and Public Conversion Narratives of Chinese-Indonesian Celebrity Preachers
Chiou Syuan-yuan, Utrecht University

Indonesian Chinese Muslims in Making Identity
Zaenal Abidin Ekoputro, Centre of Asian Studies (CENAS), Jakarta, Indonesia

Chinese as Minority in a Chinese Society: The Chinese Muslims in Hong Kong
Tan Chee-Beng and Ma Jianfu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Chinese Overseas and the Baha’i Faith  海外华人与巴哈伊信仰
Panel Chair: David A. Palmer (宗树人博士), 香港大学社会学系



江绍发教授 (澳门大学工商管理学院)

Identity Formation and Changes among Chinese Overseas: A Comparative Approach
 Panel Chair: Peter Li

Vancouver Chinatown in Transition
Peter S. Li, Department of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Integration and Identity:  Barriers of Integration for Migrant Workers in Urban China and Recent Chinese Immigrants in Canada
Li Zong (University of Saskatchewan), Yixuan Wang (University of Saskatchewan ), and Hui Li (Xi’an Jiaotong)

Chinese Brides’ Negotiation of Identities in South Korea
Kuah-Pearce Khun Eng and Jin Hong, Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong    

Changes in Sino-Japanese Relations and the Construction of Chinese Living in Japan as ‘Others’
Li Liming, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Chinese Students in Korea
Cheong, Young-Rok (Seoul National University) and Lee Hwa-Seung (Seoul Digital University)

Chinese Diaspora – Changing China and changing migration
Panel Chair: Min Zhou

Traversing Ancestral and New Homelands: Chinese Immigrant Transnational Organizations in the United States
Min Zhou, University of California, Los Angeles
The Spiritual Worlds of Chinese American Scientists: A Historical Exploration
Zuoyue Wang, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Between Asia and America and from NICs to IC: Intellectual Migration and Brain Circulation
Wei Li and Wan Yu, Arizona State University

Chinese Women in Overseas Migration: Traditional World Views Revisited
Xiaojian Zhao, University of California, Santa Barbara

Social Status Compensation: Migrant Donation and Qiaoxiang Folk Religion in South China
Li Xiangyi, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou

Reconsidering Locality of Chinese Overseas: Anthropological Studies of Multiple Localization and Re-migration
Panel Organizer : Tetsu ICHIKAWA

Ancestors’ House, Parents’ Cemetery and My Home: Multiple Localization of Papua New Guinean Chinese
Tetsu ICHIKAWA, The Asian Institute for Intellectual Collaboration, Rikkyo University

Producing Multiple Localities through Islam, Kinship Networks and Routes of Re-migration: A Case Study of Yunnanese Muslims in Myanmar and Taiwan.
Mizuka KIMURA,Graduate School of Human Sciences,Osaka University

Religious confusion and re-construction of identity: A case of Vietnamese home-returned overseas Chinese living in overseas Chinese farms in Canton.
Kyoko NAGURA, Faculty of International Relations, University of Shizuoka

Voices of the Diaspora:  Mississippi Chinese World War II Veterans’ Narratives
Panel organizer: Gwendolyn GONG

Researching Voices of the Diaspora:  Historical and Cultural Complexities in Capturing the Narratives of Mississippi Chinese World War II Veterans
Gwendolyn GONG,  Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Analyzing the Voices of the Diaspora:  Identifying Major Themes in the Stories of  Mississippi Chinese World War II Veterans
John H. Powers, Department of Communication Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University

Experiencing the Voices of the Diaspora:  The Mississippi Chinese World War II Veterans—Storytellers and Their Stories
Devereux G. Powers

Panel Organizer: Neo Peng Fu 梁秉赋 博士

Neo Peng Fu梁秉赋 博士, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Chua Soo Pong 蔡曙鹏 博士, 亚太演艺学院(新加坡)

Xu Liying 徐李颖博士,  新加坡道教学院